An introduction to minecraft
1. What are the uses and gratifications of Minecraft? Give specific examples of how the game entertains, help audiences identify with others and educates.
The uses and gratifications of minecraft are that they have made it so that the game is interactive for the audience and the primary reason for that is so then they can give feedback on the game and tell the creators what they want and what needs improving etc. The way that the game entertains the audience is by making it interesting, new and fresh. The way that they have the 'words' make it so then the players can escape for the stresses of everyday life and can now pretend to be in that game and as if it's real life. Minecraft helps educate the people that take part and play the game, it's the first game to teach them to create and not destroy, it educates people into building things with a special type of material which is seen as 'electricity' and if you attach something to that then it creates an active circuit which then creates a door or something. The players then have a range of materials to choose from and then create many things and build many things.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Minecraft being owned by Microsoft?
The advantages of minecraft being owned by Microsoft is that Microsoft brought minecraft for $2.5 billion. With this through Microsoft investments in cloud and mobile technologies will enable minecraft players to benefit from faster worlds, more powerful development tools and more opportunities to connect across the minecraft communities.
The disadvantages of minecraft being owned by Microsoft is that Microsoft gets to use it's overseas cash pile, but based on the current tax laws, Mircrosofts overseas cash can't be brought back into the US without a hefty hit.
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