Political parties in newspapers

The Guardian 

The front cover of this newspaper instantly tells you that it is a political newspaper, as the main heading is 'Cameron faces fight for survival as Britain sets course for Brexit' and due to this newspaper being more for people who are in a higher class who are educated and have been to university. On the front page with this main heading it also gives you a article with it and this could indicate that there are more political type of stories inside the newspaper. The Guardian are left wing so with this it is bias in a way they would only put articles in which would make the left wing groups better so then more people would vote for parties on the left.

The Daily Mail

The front cover of this newspaper is 'in your face' because there is a big picture of Theresa May and the main headline is 'This lady's not for turning' and with this it appeals to people that are usually more educated and are into politics. The daily Mail is a right wing paper and also so is conservatives, so this newspaper is going to be bias towards the conservatives, so fro this we know that the context that is going to be towards conservatives and Theresa May.


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